Sunday, February 28, 2010

Status Report 3

This week we started working on the graphics and animations including the backgrounds and buttons. We also started to plan out how we were going to store the information for the buttons. We were thinking of doing it one of two ways, one way to do it would be to have a class with methods that when called would make different patterns of buttons so we would call the patterns instead of each individual button when we constructed the songs. Another way to do it would be to have separate text files with patterns like
so for every 1 there would be a note and the four columns each represents a different color and we could just read off the txt file. We would control the speed of the notes by changing a beats per minute variable depending on the song. We are using stepmania as a guide to set up our game and get some of our ideas.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Milestone and Design

Milestone Duration
Project Kickoff:
Documentation outlining process, milestone schedule and key responsibilities
0 Days 2/22
How the Game Will Work:
• How the game will look
• How to store data of music for the game
• Work on the graphics for the hulls
1 week 2/22- 3/1
Fine-Tune the Logistics of the Project:
• Continue working on the graphics
• Use Google and LITS to research copyrighted music and rules
• Meet with Audrey to talk over what classes are needed for the coding in the game
1 week 3/1-3/8
Data Storage and Classes Determination:
• Use Google to research song-data storage methods
• Set up classes to begin code and game design
• Work on graphics of the project
1 week 3/8-3/15
Begin Implementation of Game Design:
• Input classes to begin code and game design
4 weeks 3/15-4/12
Debug Game and Code:
• Test game to work out bugs and code
2 weeks, 4 days 4/12-4/30
Final Project Deadline:
3/4 days 4/30-5/3

Monday, February 22, 2010

Status Report 2

This week we are working on trying to work through the questions we have with the media and images necessary for our game. Since our game borrows from others such as Rock Band, Dance-Dance Revolution and Guitar Hero we know that our images have to come down the screen...

Monday, February 15, 2010

Status Report 1

Hello Everyone!
For our CS 240 Main Project we came up with an idea for an interactive media program using music and rhythm.
The program would be mainly a rhythm game in which you hit notes to score points.
Players hit the notes by placing a hand over a colored spot.
The game will use hulls to detect when the player is hitting a note.