Monday, May 3, 2010
Status Report 10
Sunday, April 25, 2010
Status Report 9
Monday, April 19, 2010
Status Report 8
Monday, April 12, 2010
Status Report 7
Monday, April 5, 2010
Status Report 6
Monday, March 29, 2010
Status Report 5
Sunday, March 7, 2010
Status Report 4
This week we discussed and brainstormed what pieces of the game (broadly) we would have to create classes for: buttons, music, sound (in general), text input, interpretation of text, backgrounds and overall graphics (intro screen, difficulty settings, song choice, game screen and summary screen.)
When first creating the final version of our project we will start with Mouse Clicks and buttons that say "when I press A, that means there was a hull at that left x,y coordinate."
We thought when completed, our entire game will probably have to be scaled.
We met with Cleo and talked about game logistics and set-up. We discussed getting some camera code together that focuses on color rather than only holes and/or hulls.
We also decided we would set-up the game with 4 “buttons” corresponding to the 4 notes. If the player hits the “button” at the correct time of the note being at a certain point on the screen, the player gains a point based on how accurate or close the hit was to the note on the hitPoint.
Parts of coding we determined would be needed are: arrays that call patterns based on the note combinations in songs, a text file with patterns or an XML/TXT file, our Movie Clips won’t move but we will program them to do so, and each “screen” with be in a different frame of the timeline.
The skeleton classes we created so far are as follows:
Game Class
o Will keep track of the game/ the progress of the player in the game
o Will deal with pulling everything together
o Will hold the background/ frames/ timeline with scenes of the game
o Will have scaling code
o Intro
o Difficulty
o Song choice
o Game screen
o Summary screen
Note Class
o Will control the animation and speed of the notes (we will pass down the variable we create to control the animation)
o Will create and remove the notes from the frames/ screens
o Will control the position of the notes (we need a method for this)
o Will control the BPM of the notes
Song Class
o Will play the song(s)
o Will call some methods in the class that will import song info and sort out the info (for each different song) (we will set each song so it can’t be below/ above a certain BPM)
o Will include Sound method(s)
o Will include BPM method (also take in a parameter from the text class and notes class) (This can manipulate how quick the notes travel across the screen)
Song Parcer Class
o Will input the text from XML/TXT files (this will say “Ok, I have this song… now what do I do with is…?) Whatever this method is, will be a static method
o Will interpret the text file (this will call various patterns of songs)
o Will have a parameter of the BPM method
Pattern Class
o Will add more patters of notes as needed for the different songs (a song will have a pattern [of notes] associated with it)
Note-Hit-Area Class
o Will pay attention to hulls/ colors from the player’s choice of “buttons”/ notes. (Colors will be detected with a mouse-like object the player holds)
o Will be the location for the player to choose which color dot they think corresponds to the note (will use hitTest method by putting a button on the x,y coordinates to do the hitTest)
Finally, our to-do list (in addition to the milestone for this week) includes:
- Linking the “button” symbols to flash instead of placing instances of the symbols directly on the scene ( we will program them and call them when needed)
- Design timers to be our metronome for the BPM of the songs
Sunday, February 28, 2010
Status Report 3
so for every 1 there would be a note and the four columns each represents a different color and we could just read off the txt file. We would control the speed of the notes by changing a beats per minute variable depending on the song. We are using stepmania as a guide to set up our game and get some of our ideas.
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Milestone and Design
Project Kickoff:
Documentation outlining process, milestone schedule and key responsibilities
0 Days 2/22
How the Game Will Work:
• How the game will look
• How to store data of music for the game
• Work on the graphics for the hulls
1 week 2/22- 3/1
Fine-Tune the Logistics of the Project:
• Continue working on the graphics
• Use Google and LITS to research copyrighted music and rules
• Meet with Audrey to talk over what classes are needed for the coding in the game
1 week 3/1-3/8
Data Storage and Classes Determination:
• Use Google to research song-data storage methods
• Set up classes to begin code and game design
• Work on graphics of the project
1 week 3/8-3/15
Begin Implementation of Game Design:
• Input classes to begin code and game design
4 weeks 3/15-4/12
Debug Game and Code:
• Test game to work out bugs and code
2 weeks, 4 days 4/12-4/30
Final Project Deadline:
3/4 days 4/30-5/3